Apr 11, 2008

How to setup Edimax 7318USg

After do some research and lurking on every forum on the net, finally I come to one page which is I think the most suitable answer for those who have Edimax 7318USg card to make it able to do injection using "aireplay-ng".

Here is the solution:
  • first install a new beta version of aircrack-ng from this site. [ Aircrack 1.0 beta 2 ]
  • I assume you know how to compile the aircrack-ng from source since you are attempting to do the crack, if not then just delete the aircrack-ng source and go to google to read more on linux basic skills ~:P
  • Then remove the current rt2500 or rt73 driver on your machine.
  • Then install the adequate driver. [ rt73 adequate driver ]
  • And this time i assume you do know how to install a driver. (extract, make, make install, modprobe)
  • put the card in monitor mode by using "airmon-ng start [interface]"
  • and play the aircracks
Suppose you are good to go with some packets capturing and injection. But if somehow you lost and cant figure out on how to remove the current driver, here is the way to cleanly remove old driver(cause sometime, default driver do interfere with the driver you install to inject):
  • airdriver-ng remove 25
  • airdriver-ng remove 31
  • this will remove the current rt2500 and rt73 driver from your system.
So I hope this will make your card fully compatible with injection procedure. But there is some note to take.

  • "aireplay-ng -1" wont work before you do "aireplay-ng -9"
  • run aireplay-ng -9 -a [BSSID] -B rausb0 to get the valid rate for rausb0. When get the rate set it to your rausb0 by using "iwconfig rausb0 rate yMB" where 'y' is the rate receive earlier on aireplay.
This tutorial is especially dedicated to one of friends 'srand' on irc. Please give the result if you tried this method on your rausb0 card. I would like to know the result if any error occurs.

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