Sep 11, 2011

Ubuntu : Solving Alt+F2 Problem on Gnome 3

After a distribution upgrade from Natty 11.04 to Oneiric 11.10(currently on development branch), the first things I do is to install the gnome-shell which is being the best fix from 11.04 version. Yes! It is a Gnome 3 shell which able to work side by side with Unity(the default desktop for Ubuntu).

The most important, bad and pain in the ass things i found out that Gnome 3 on Ubuntu 11.10 not working is the Run Shorcut Keyboard Key. By default, the Alt+F2 will bring this run window up, but somehow in 11.10, it did not do anything.

So this is how to fix this problem. Go into Activities menu on the top of left panel on your desktop to bring out the menu, the simply type the word 'keyboard'. It will return a few result, but click on the menu located in settings section where the icon of keyboard and named as 'Keyboard' to bring up a keyboard setting popup.

From the keyboard settings window, navigate to Shortcut tabs and set the System > Show the run command prompt key with Alt+F2. To set the key, simply double-click on the list.

That's it! I hope you will enjoy the run command prompt as much as I do.

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  1. yup it's working...thanks a lot...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. voila! u saved me ^:)^
    thanks a ton! :D

  4. I could not get this to work until I clicked on the word "disabled."

    If I simply highlighted the row and tried a new key combo, nothing happened. If I clicked all the way to the right (after I highlighted the row I wanted) I was able to assign new keyboard shortcut.

    1. This was my problem, too. "To edit a shortcut, click the row..." is what the cue at the bottom of the keyboard window says. In fact, you need to DOUBLE CLICK the word "disabled."

      Also, you can get to this window by clicking on the Me menu in the upper right corner, then System Settings -- (Hardware) Keyboard

  5. yeha, great,
    thank you very much, ;)
