Jan 1, 2008

Ubuntu: IPBlock(Graphical Ip Blocker)

One of my fren gave me the link to an article about IPBlock with graphical user interface setting. I open the url and read a bit about the installation how-to. Suddenly i'm interested to try the application myself.

I run my terminal and download the .deb files and apt-get all the dependencies needed to install. I was impress with the user friendly GUI. It's easier to set IP that we want to block.

It has a simple type of UI to simplify things for user including tabs, and one click button to change and update. Moreover, the list can be compress in gunzip file type. This is the step to install IPBlock to your ubuntu:
  1. wget http://puzzle.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/iplist/iplist_0.14-0feisty1_i386.deb
  2. sudo aptitude libnetfilter-queue1 libnfnetlink1 sun-java6-jre

  3. If you are installing gusty install this package libnfnetlink0 (gutsy) instead of libnfnetlink1

  4. sudo dpkg -i iplist_0.14-0feisty1_i386.deb

  5. if you want to open ipblock go to Applications -> Internet -> ipblock
So try it.. I like to recommend this to other ubuntu user. Have fun Ubuntu"ing"

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