Mar 6, 2009

Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah is going Open Source?

Well, I manage to have a conversation with few of my lecturers today. Surprisingly, one of them open up a topic about their last seminar which was held in UiTM Shah Alam a few days ago about Open Source in IPTA(Institut Pengajian Tinggi Awam).

Interestingly, they have a plan to change all the labs Operating System from Windows XP to Ubuntu Linux. Walla~! I'm excited to see the progress of my polytechnic turn to Open Source. And I manage to help one of the lecturer to install Opera on his new Ubuntu machine - I hope more lecturer will try Ubuntu after this.

More over, on April during PSIS IT day - JTMK will conduct a seminar which will invite speakers from MAMPU(if I'm not mistaken) to talk about Open Source in IPT. My kudos goes to MAMPU for convincing and open up the lecturers narrow minded to look for other alternative of Operating System.

So, I think it's better for Ubuntu Malaysia Community to stick a needle and take advantage of this situation to join up with MAMPU to conduct a series of Ubuntu Workshop in PSIS.

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1 comment:

  1. boleh tak jom linux ikut join skali? kalau boleh emel kat saya..:D
